Minions download the new version
Minions download the new version

Minions download the new version

In the rare event that they’re still tied, the first player chooses which minion to move first. In the case that two minions are equally close, the minion furthest along the Blue/Green axis goes first. When two minions might try to enter the same space, start by moving the minions closest to the objective. Minion Movement: Minions prioritize movement along the Blue/Green axis - preferring to always travel towards their objective unless that direction is blocked or unless the Blue/Green axis no longer brings them closer (and then they travel down the red/yellow axis).

Minions download the new version

Caution: there may be some minor spoilers…! Mission 1 But in the meantime, if you have any gameplay questions, look below. We’ve spotted a couple of opportunities to add further clarification to the rules-these will be updated in future print runs. Turns out manufacturing a board game has some unique challenges.

Minions download the new version